Snippets from a bead artist.


December Prompt Post

Happy holidays, everyone!  I hope that each and every one of you has a wonderful season - those that celebrate in some way and those that don't.  :)

This month's post is going to be quite short, because this is a 'free' month.  I'm not posting a prompt for December, as it's SUCH a hectic time for everyone, and because I would like to start the new year with a prompt on the first of each month rather than the 20th - which wouldn't leave a lot of time to complete a December prompt in any case.

There were a few votes in the group for wanting a prompt, so I did come up with a suggestion which you can use or not as you see fit - bead something with a metallic in it, something sparkly and exciting with golds or silvers, bronze or copper included with your happy colors.  Use a mixed metals palette!  Bronze, gold, and copper together look stunning, as does a mix of gold and silver or bronze and gold.

In closing out the year, it would be awesome if you took a moment to sit and think about what inspired you most with your beading this year - was it a specific design or pattern by a  favorite designer?  A new (to you) bead shape?  Using a color you hadn't tried before?  Learning a new stitch that you always wanted to master?  I'd love to hear about it, whether here in the comments or in the FB group.

I'm so pleased that folks have enjoyed this year's prompts and even more pleased that I did manage to bead a little - not enough, but a little.  I hope that the new year brings me some inspiration and some new designs and some excitement around the beads, and I intend to come up with prompts to get myself beading some more!